Nota prawna

Publisher information

You are connected to, official website published by FIFTEEN, with share capital of €1,815,772.00, whose registered office is located at 77 rue Jean Bleuzen, 92170 VANVES, FRANCE, registered at Trade and Companies Register of NANTERRE under number 505 280 727 represented by Benoit YAMEUNDJEU, CEO. 

Director of publication: Benoit YAMEUNDJEU 

Contact us:

  • By telephone on +33 (0) 4 27 85 99 93 (Service €0.10/call + price of a call)
  • By e-mail to

Host information

The website is hosted by Google Cloud. Site data is hosted on Google Cloud and on Loco ( The hosting server is geographically located in the Saint-Ghislain hosting center (europe-west1) in Belgium.