Avviso legale
Publisher information
You are connected to fifteen.eu, official website published by FIFTEEN, with share capital of €1,250,000.00, whose registered office is located at 105 av jean jaures, 69600 OULLINS, registered at Trade and Companies Register of Lyon under number 505 280 727 represented by Plateforme 2 Roues (889 230 413 SAINGHIN-EN-MELANTOIS) acting and having the necessary powers as president, itself represented by Via ID (478 741 044 WASQUEHAL) acting and having the necessary powers as Chairman, itself represented by M Bertrand DE TALHOUËT acting and having the necessary powers as Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Director of publication: Benoit YAMEUNDJEU
Contact us:
- By telephone on +33 (0) 4 27 85 99 93 (Service €0.10/call + price of a call)
- By e-mail to contact@fifteen.eu
Host information
The fifteen.eu website is hosted by Google Cloud. Site data is hosted on Google Cloud and on Loco (localise.biz). The hosting server is geographically located in the Saint-Ghislain hosting center (europe-west1) in Belgium.